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July 25, 2001 - Wednesday

I'm not sure when I'll be able to post this. There seems to be a problem with my Angelfire account and I can't get into my homepage. It's a bit annoying!

I had a really quiet day at work. I only had three lessons, but they went fairly well. There's a lot of absenteeism right now. Many students are going on trips or taking breaks.

Work went well, and I actually found my name tag at work today. It had disappeared last week. Where was it? In my drawer! I can't believe it.

Last night when I arrived home there was a note from the post office saying that I had something from the Canadian Embassy waiting for me. I was worried because it seemed like I just sent away my application form. I thought maybe I forgot something. I went to the post office tonight and I picked up the envelope. It contained my new passport! Wa hoo! Yay the Canadian government! Yay! Now I have to go to Sapporo and get all the official stamps and things put into my new passport. I hope that it's easy to do!

Anyway, I have to go. I'm out of things to say for tonight. I hope I can post this soon.

Night night!

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