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July 30, 2001 - Monday

A busy day today. As usual I stayed up too late doing computer stuff and watching videos. I went to bed somewhere around 5 again.

I got up just before 10, showered and this time the water went off during my shower. However, the gas guy is supposed to be coming tomorrow and I hope he'll finally fix the darn heater. Then I'll be able to take a hot shower again.

My lesson was fine, but because I forgot to do any studying for the last two weeks I didn't do as well as I should have. Silly me.

After the lesson I walked to the train station and caught a train. I took a local train, and there were lots of seats. In Sapporo I decided to find a subway line that I've never been able to find before. I was silly. I went kilometres out of my way, I think! I found it and then in Odori station transfered to the other line.

I got to the immigration center, signed into the building and went up to the 7th floor. I took my old passport and my new one so that I could get the visas transfered. I was a bit nervous in case I couldn't understand what was happening or I had to pay again for my re-entry permit, but I was okay. One man at the information desk gave me the correct form and I handed over my passports and Alien Registration Card, and a few minutes later, I was done. Hurray. My visa and my re-entry permit were transfered.

After I finished I decided to go for a walk around Odori Park. I had noticed a Rose Garden that hadn't been there the last time I was in that area. Actually, it probably was there, but under 3 feet of snow at the time so I didn't see it.
After that I decided to go to Sapporo Factory to check out the movies and do a spot of shopping. I took the subway and then walked the rest of the way. There were no movies that I wanted to see desperately enough to pay 1800 yen, so I went shopping.

I was quite hungry so I went for Indian food. There's a branch of Taj Mahal there so I was able to have some delicious Indian food. Yum. After the meal I walked around and didn't buy anything.

I decided to go home, but detour via Tower Records to see if they had any magazines that I wanted. I took the subway back and on my way bumped into one of my old bosses. We had a nice long chat, and she's promised to invite me over and cook me supper sometime. Yahoo!

In Tower there was only one magazine that I wanted, so I bought it, plus a new (for me) Chris de Burgh cd so I got that too. Then, I realized that it was too late to go to a bank machine and get more money, so I just went to the train station. Of course I detoured via Starbucks for my frappachino. It was great. I had caramel tonight and it was really good. I think I like it more than the mocha raspberry one I buy sometimes.

And that's it. I came home, watched ER, wrote this entry, and soon I'll be off to bed.

Night night!

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