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July 31, 2001 - Tuesday

I saw something amazing on TV tonight. Due South is going to be shown on NHK. It's a GOOD Canadian tv series. Yahoo! The hero is so cute. I'm thrilled about it.

I was really busy today. I had seven lessons. Tomorrow I'll have 6. Yikes. This week I'm really busy at work. One of my students is coming for 6 lessons this week. Wow. That's dedication to English.

I was wrong about the gas man coming. He cometh tomorrow in the morning. Early in the morning, so I think I'll end this now because I'm tired and I have to get up early.

Also, I got an email from Van today. It was quite nice, but she was talking about the rain that they had in Beaumont. Her basement flooded a bit.

Anyway, I gotta go....night!

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