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June 2, 2001 - Saturday

The weather was nice today. It was warm and sunny...too hot to have to work I think!

Classes were great. I did counselling in 2 of them, one didn't come, and in the other one I taught phonics which was quite fun.

After I finished teaching I did my paperwork and then I did filing. My office drawer had been gradually getting fuller and fuller. No-one but me ever cleans it out...that's because no one but me is supposed to clear it out!

Anyway it took a long time and I was sweating by the time I was finished...they turn off the air conditioning at 4:30 in the building on Saturdays.

Around 9:10 I punched out and changed my clothes. We were having a party. Yay! People started arriving and we left and walked to Ajiya, the izakaya.

A lot of students, the manager, David and Michiyo and I ate, and drank and just generally had a good time. It was great. The food was really good...things like Nasi goreng and spring rolls. Spicy, but not too spicy. That was nice. Around 11:00 there weren't very many people left in the place but us. One of my students grabbed a guitar and tried to play a few notes. He stopped, but the master started playing songs. It was really fun, for the next 45 minutes or so there was live music and were doing the singing! Okay, I guess I should say, I was doing a lot of the singing!

The party broke up between 12 and 1 I think and I wasn't ready to go home yet. I asked the manager if she'd like to go to karaoke with me. She said yes. Yay! So I asked David too. I did ask everyone else too, but they all had to go home, except one of David's students. We went to a place near the school that I'd never been to, but it it was great. It had the same videos behind the music that they had in the cheap place we went to in Tsuruoka, so I felt at home right away!

What a hoot. We sang for 3 hours I think...I'm not really sure. I sang a lot of stuff that I haven't sung in ages, David attempted a Dean Martin song for me, the manager did a Masayoshi Yamazaki song at my request and I tried Living La Vida Loca after a long break from doing it. .

It was a little before 4 when we left the izakaya and the sun was already rising. Funny to think that it came up that early. The weather was nice and it was warm. The walk home was very pleasant. The streets were quiet and it was peaceful.

When I got home I'm afraid I didn't write this entry. I did do some work on my homepage, but I didn't feel like writing, so I went to bed around 5.

Good Morning!

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