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June 1, 2001 - Friday

It didn't rain this morning when I walked to work, but it did start fairly soon after. It sort of drizzled on and off all day.

Classes were okay. The first one went really well in fact. It's the first time I've taught this text and it takes a lot of prep time for me.

I got a lot of work done during my free time today...classes planned and paperwork done. Yay. I did find out some bad news though. Once again I've been passed over for promotion. Sigh. Way to make me feel like a valued employee! Not.

I didn't go out for lunch today, but I did go out for supper tonight. David asked if I wanted to go out for something to eat, and I said yes. It's a win-win situation because of course I have nothing to eat at home and he needs someone to order for him! Actually, I'm sure he'd be fine without me, but I like going out too! We went to a ramen shop, but David didn't have ramen. He had Katsudon, which is pork cutlet on rice with egg over it and soup. I had Chashu-men which is ramen with slices of pork. It was pretty good, and I managed to order and pay in Japanese so I was pretty proud of myself!

It was raining on the way home. I had an umbrella, but I'd worn sandals so my feet got a bit wet. It was the drizzly kind of rain that really soaks in. David didn't even have an umbrella, so I felt a bit sorry for him. Not enough to let him get under mine, but sorry for him! Nice aren't I?

Came home and watched a bit of TV that I'd taped for myself over the last few days. Nothing too exciting. I'll likely go to bed soon. I've lots of things to do tomorrow and then we are going out after work. I hope it'll be fun, but I may have to delay the report until Sunday. Maybe!


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