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June 6, 2001 - Wednesday

Today was okay actually. I was a bit busy, but not too busy. Classes weren't bad, except for one class. The student in that class was quite naughty. Sigh. It wasn't a good class.

One of my other classes started badly, no one had done their homework and for some reason couldn't remember anything that we'd done in class last week. Argh! But, but the end of class, things were looking up.

After school, I wrote a couple of postcards to a couple of my students that I haven't seen in a while and then prepared my class for tomorrow morning.

Then, David waited for me while I changed and I asked him if he wanted to go for supper. He said yes, so we walked to Columbia. We had really good food. It's a nice casual restaurant, and the people are friendly.

After that I came home and watched the end of a Sigourney Weaver interview and then Charmed. It was an interesting episode.

Anyway, that's it for today. I want to get to bed fairly soon. Night!

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