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June 7, 2001 - Thursday

Another really hot day. It was nice and sunny, but maybe a smidge cooler than yesterday.

I wasn't terribly busy today. I taught 5 lessons and I'm happy to say that they all went well. My last 2 classes went especially well. One of them is a bit tough for me at times, but it went well. It was even fun! We talked about making French Toast.

Not much happened today. My stomach seems to be a bit upset. It was making all kinds of strange noises in my classes. I think my students could hear. How embarrassing.

I came home and watched another really great interview on the telly. It was Harrison Ford. He's a very interesting guy. What a great actor.

I got two postcards in the mail tonight. One was from Edmonton and my old friend Taeko. I also got one from my old manager Masako. She's in Australia now. Too cool!

Tomorrow I'll be a bit busy....not too bad, but a bit. I have to plan classes for Saturday.Yikes.

I did ask our manager if she was interested in going and doing a tour of Otaru on Sunday. There's a tour bus, but I don't know when it leaves or where it goes. She said yes, so it should be fun. Wa hoo...Sunday plans.

Anyway, Friends is on, so I've gotta go. Night!

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