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June 11, 2001 - Monday

I was rudely awakened this morning by my alarm. My stereo started blasting away but I just couldn't get up. I finally did get up, but I was late. I only had time to shower and then leave for my lesson.

It was good today. We just started a new unit so I have a lot of new vocabulary to learn. It's good though. I'll learn a few new nouns.

After class I went to the post office and then I went to the mall. I hopped on a bus and went. I went to see not one, but 2 movies! I saw Miss Congeniality with Sandra Bullock and The Mummy Returns with Brendan Fraser. They were both pretty good, although I think I enjoyed Miss Congeniality just a touch more. I explored the new stores in the mall too.

I also went to the newly re-opened Cafe Americano. It was wonderful. While I was sitting and enjoying my cappuccino, I saw one of my old managers. We had a nice chat. She was transferred before I came back from my Golden Week holiday so I didn't get a chance to say goodbye.

I went to my postcard store today to buy postcards from the movies I saw, but they didn't have them. Sigh. I only got a Dances with Wolves one, but that's okay. Maybe next time.

I came home on the 9:01 train and walked home in the rain. Yep, it rained all day today, and pretty heavily too. It's a bit cold. I debated turning on my heater, but decided not to.

I watched Sabrina and the news from this morning. Then ER. It was good, but a bit sad, as usual. I'll probably go to bed soon. Have a good one. Night.

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