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June 10, 2001 - Sunday

It was my one year anniversary of moving to Otaru today. I don't know. I still don't have a strong attachment to this city. The people are very unfriendly...with a few exceptions I'm happy to say. I still hate my apartment...even more now than I did when I moved in. It's too small and cramped. It still has the oldest washing machine I've seen outside a museum.

Anyway, on with the update. I'm a bit scattered today. I'm very tired.

I got up and went to meet Natsuko my manager. We met at 1:00 at the train station and found out where to catch a bus. We decided to go to the Otaru Aquarium. It took a long time to get there and the bus went through many interesting areas of Otaru. At the Aquarium, Nats and I were both hungry so we decided to get something to eat first. After that we went to the dolphin show. It was pretty cool. Watching the whales at Vancouver was better, but all in all, not bad. We looked at a lot of well, fish, what did you expect! I even made kissy faces with one. It was kind of cute in a weird way. We spent a bit of time there and then decided to go back to the train station.

From the train station we caught another bus going to the glass shops. That one was neat because it was also a tour of the touristy areas so I found out where some of them are for a change. Hurray. We went to the Venetian Glass Museum and then Kitaichi glass. The museum was interesting, but a bit overpriced. The glass shops were free, but I always want to buy lots of things when I'm there. Nats got a call on her cell phone from Michiyo and said that David and Michiyo were heading back to Otaru and did we want to meet them for dinner.

We did meet at the train station...Minami Otaru. Nats made me walk up the hill. I wasn't happy!

We went to a place called Very Very Strawberry. We had a great dinner there. I had pasta again, this time it was penne with gorgonzola and black pepper sauce. I enjoyed it. It was also nice to see all of my co-workers in one place having a good time. We never get to do that during the week.

After the party broke up...after having dessert too....we went our separate ways. I went home and watched The Long Kiss Good night. It was great. An action movie with a plot and a heroine who can kick butt. The only downer is the annoying child in the movie.

I also made more pasta to eat. 3 servings of pasta in 2 days. Hmm. It was good, but not as good as the restaurant's.

I watched Survivor. I guess I'm getting hooked on it. Sigh. I like to pretend I'm watching it for a psychological perspective, but the truth is its in English and nothing else is at the same time on TV.

I did two good deeds today. I went to a hundred yen shop today and there was an old lady who was in the store with a suitcase. I saw her leave the store and then when I left there was a cloth bag lying on the ground a few feet from her. I didn't know what to do, but I figured it was hers as I'd seen her try to put it in her bag in the store. I picked it up and said "Sumimasen" while waving it near her. She was surprised, whether from my bad Japanese or that a "foreigner" would pick something up and not try to steal it. Anyway, she did say thanks in Japanese so that was okay. Later at the restaurant, I paid first but realized when I looked at the receipt that I hadn't paid for my coffee, so I went back and paid for it later. My co-workers were surprised I think, but I just wouldn't feel right about it if I didn't.

Anyway, I'm sure you don't want to hear me bragging anymore, so I'll bid you a good night! Night.

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