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June 13, 2001 - Wednesday

What a day! Actually it was pretty good.

It finally stopped raining but it's still pretty cold.

Classes went pretty well again. Hurray! My two kids classes today were actually fun! Oh my gosh!

I went out for lunch so that I could finish reading Bridget Jones. What a hoot. I thought I'd have hysterics in the restaurant. The second book is so much funnier than the first one.

I don't really have a lot of things to talk about today. Oh, yeah, maybe I do. Today is the one year anniversary of the day I started teaching in Otaru school. It's been an interesting year. Some good things for me are that I have twice as many students than I did before, and classes seem to be going well. But, I still miss the folks at Tsuruoka.

Anyway, that's it for today. I'll catch you later....

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