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June 14, 2001 - Thursday

Today was okay. It was a bit quiet not having David around. However, the manager was back today so that was nice!

Classes went well. They were kind of fun too. A nice thing happened. One of my students came back from her homestay to Victoria and she brought me some Murchie's Empress Blend Tea. Yay! What a nice treat. I haven't had Empress Blend in years. She was so excited about her trip and told me all about the things that she did. She went to most of the places that I suggested. It made me a bit jealous. I'd love to go there again. I love Victoria.

I stayed a bit late tonight as I had to do a bit of planning for tomorrow. After that I walked home. On Hanozono there was a police car and a lot of police and people hanging around. I wonder what happened there. There are a lot of stalls at the top of the road on the way to the shrine...another festival? Unfortunately, by the time I get near home they are closing up.

I watched The Lost World tonight. Pretty silly show. I hope that Friends will be on tonight. Other than that, I want to go to bed cause I'm pretty tired.


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