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June 15, 2001 - Friday

Today was a pretty good day. The weather was nice and I was just about the right amount of busy at work.

I ate at home for breakfast. Are you impressed? I had sesame bread toasted. It was delicious. I walked to work about the usual time, but I didn't have to stop to buy anything so it was nice. I gawked at a few of the stalls along the way. This morning the stalls were just opening and the shopkeepers in Hanozono were setting up their outside stalls. I wish that I could have stopped and looked a bit more than I did.

I had a lot of missing students today. It was sad! Classes went well, I think. Some were good, some weren't as good.

I was lucky and I could leave the office early.Yay! I went to a convenience store to get something for supper, but to be honest, there wasn't anything I wanted to eat. Quite depressing that.

I'm sitting at home now, watching an old episode of ER that's on TV. It's a Christmas one, which is funny to see at this time of year.

Anyway, I have a busy day tomorrow, so I'd better get to it. Night all.

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