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June 17, 2001 - Sunday

A weird day today. I went to bed around 6:00am. I stayed up and watched the entire movie of The Matrix. It was just as good as I remembered.

I slept until 12ish and then got up and did my laundry. It didn't take too long for a change.

I bummed around my apartment. I kept meaning to go out or to clean up, although I never did. Bad me. Oh well.

For some reason I decided to go out about 8:30. I thought I'd go to the mall and buy a light bulb, then see if there was a movie that I wanted to see. Well, when I got to the Otaruchikko station, there was a huge crowd of people waiting to take the train. I was surprised. Inside the station were even more people. Oh well. I went into the mall and tried to find a light bulb in the grocery store. Well, they don't seem to have any there. Then I went up and checked on the movies. The only one that I was halfway interested in was The Wedding Planner and I decided not to see that one. I decided to go home.

On the way back to the train station I ran into a girl that I knew slightly. She told me that there had been a concert in Mycal by a Japanese band. I didn't know that. Anyway, there were about 300 people waiting at the train station to buy their tickets. I decided that I just couldn't wait in that crowd so I went to take a bus. The bus was crowded, but not too bad. The problem was that I got off about 2 stops too early, and I had to walk for about 20 minutes! I stopped into the video store but they didn't have anything that really struck my fancy. So, I walked to the convenience store and then came home. I watched The Day of the Jackal. I had taped it earlier, all but the last 2 minutes of it! That was annoying. Now I'm watching last night's Roswell.

I hope to go to bed soon. I'm I bit tired. I haven't been sleeping a lot lately. Crazy me. Night night!

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