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June 18, 2001 - Monday

I had a good day today. I woke up and showered, ate my breakfast and then headed off to my lesson. It was 11 when I left my apartment, so of course I was late. Sigh. It was good today, except of course for the particles. I hate particles.

After the lesson I wasn't feeling great so I came home. I ended up watching an Alfred Hitchcock movie, Frenzy. I'd seen it before, but it was very good and well worth watching again. His pacing was very similar to modern movies and except for the 70's clothing could have been made today. Good film. After that, I caught the tail end of Bewitched and then decided to leave.

I caught the 4:18 train to Sapporo. Unfortunately I couldn't get a seat and had to stand the whole way. Oh well. In Sapporo I went to Muji store and then to Maruzen books. I got a few magazines and then went across the street to Central, a stationery store. Then I went to the brand new Starbucks. Yay! I had a Raspberry Mocha Frappachino and a balsamic chicken pita sandwich. It was so good.

After that I went to The Body Shop, but didn't buy anything, then off to Tower Records. They had a bargain section that I looked through. I found a John Schneider cd marked at 1190 and a K.T. Oslin cd and ....she bows her head in silent shame.... a Cliff Richard double cd that I don't already have. It's kind of like every big hit that he's ever had. It looks great. I know, I swore no more Cliff Richard cds, but I had to make an exception. I really did. The nice thing was that when I went to pay for them it seems that the John Schneider cd was on half price sale, so it was even cheaper!

After I got my cds I went to have supper. I went to Royal Host where I had a steak. I've been craving a steak for ages. I think I wanted something that wasn't processed. Anyway, the meal was very nice. I enjoyed it.

I caught a train back to Tsuruoka and wrote a letter on the way back.

At home I watched ER and Sabrina and answered some e-mail. Soon, I'll be going to bed.

I had a good day, I'm just a bit tired. Night all!

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