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June 22, 2001 - Friday

A pretty good day today actually. The weather was wonderful. It was really warm and sunny today. Much nicer than the last few days.

Work went well. The classes were good today. In the girls class we did the thing I thought of and it was fun. The only problem was that one of the pens we used leaked a bit and one of the girls got it all over herself. Oh dear.

My last two classes went especially well. We did ordering in a casual restaurant in one, and I did my patented "Waitress chewing gum" routine. Last class we did a lot of role playing. It was a lot of fun and I think the students actually enjoyed it too.

After school I asked David if he wanted to go for supper so we went to a restaurant that I knew. Well, we tried to go there, but it was really crowded and we couldn't.

We ended up going home to our respective apartments. I actually did a bit of clean up work in mine. It isn't tidy yet. I have no idea how to make it tidy, but I did throw out a lot of things. Yay me!

Anyway, I'm about out of things to say for tonight, so that's all you get. Have a good night!

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