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June 21, 2001 - Thursday

Well, another day, another dollar, as my dad would have said. It started a bit drizzly but it didn't rain during the day although it did rain last night.

Today was a pretty average day. Classes went well. I had to do a lot of adapting in some of them, but it was fine.

I had to stay late at the office as I had a class to prepare for tomorrow. My kids class. I'm going to try something a bit different and over the top. I think it should be good. Might be messy though.

Not much to say really. It's kind of a boring day. I did apply for some holidays for later this year. I want to take off quite a bit of time.

I hope that Friends will be on in a minute. And, on that note, I'll bid you all adieu. 'Night!

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