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June 24, 2001 - Sunday

A pretty good day. I got up around 11:30 am and showered and got ready for the Spelling Bee. I wore my new long denim skirt and denim shirt. It was the first time I wore them in this country.

The Spelling Bee was fun. Sadly only a few people came, but those that did had fun. I brought chicken balls from Lotteria. Other people brought some good food and it was a fun party.

After the party we talked for a while and then we went to karaoke. It was fun. I haven't been to karaoke in a while so it was nice. We sang a lot of songs. Everyone enjoyed themselves I think.

I came home and watched some TV. Later, I popped in that video that Van sent and I'm still watching it. I really should go to bed as it's really late, and I have to get up in the morning.

Well, I'm off. Have a good one!

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