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June 25, 2001 - Monday

A busy day.

I didn't go to bed until really early this morning. It was around 4 and I just didn't want to get up! Before I went to bed I e-mailed my teacher and cancelled my lesson.

I finally got up around 12:30. I watched TV for a bit, but nothing was on, then I went out. My first mission was to get passport pictures taken. The first store I went to didn't do it, but they sent me to another store. I got there and they did do the photos. The Canadian embassy had given me instructions in Japanese to have the photos taken, so I showed them to the lady. She took my photos, but then we had to do them again. It was quite funny as this time the camera didn't work. She tried switches, she put new batteries in the camera and nothing. Finally, she put new film in and it worked! So, happy, but ¥3000 poorer I left the store.

The next stop was the post office to pay a bill and then the school. I had to use the fax machine, which is a no-no, but I had asked permission, and I paid for it. David was there and he needed to get his lunch so out of the goodness of my heart I stayed at the school until he got back.

Then I went over to the train station. At the train station I met a woman that I knew. At first I thought she was one of David's ex-students, but then I found out she was the one of the people who run a restaurant I've been to a couple of times. We had a nice chat. It was nice to run into someone who speaks English and is friendly in this city.

At the mall we separated and I went to check out the movies. The Gift was playing at 5.05 and it was only 4.15. I was hungry as I hadn't eaten so I went to find a restaurant. I found the Caprichoza's but the portions there are too large for one person so I decided to go to the new and very nice coffee shop next to it. I got a chai (tea) and a tuna sandwich, both of which were very good. Then I went back to the theatre and watched the show.

The Gift was really good, and I enjoyed it. Sam Raimi is getting better as a director, or maybe it's just that his story (courtesy of Billy Bob Thornton) was good. The actors were pretty good! Cate Blanchett, Hillary Swank, Keanu Reeves and Greg Kinnear....not a bad cast list. I think 3 out of those four were up for Oscars, and of course Hillary did win one.

After the movie I went and did a little shopping. I got a couple of things for Katie's birthday...yes, it's early, but I might not have time later. Then I went to my other coffee shop and had a mocha frosty and carbonara.

After my repast I went and bought a few groceries and then came home. I watched Sabrina, and then put the tape that Van made again. It had some really good shows on it so I enjoyed it. Third Watch, Andromeda and That 70's Show.

I'll be going to bed soon I hope. I'm quite tired.


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