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June 27, 2001 - Wednesday

A very quiet day today.

I only had 3 classes out of a possible 6 today, so really quiet. The paperwork I wanted to do, well, I didn't get round to it.

The weather lately, well, it's hot. It's humid too. I'm going a bit crazy because I'm so hot and tired. It did rain today and it rained a lot. It didn't rain all day though, so when I walked home tonight it was fine, just hot and humid again. It rained late last night too.

I wrote some letters to parents today. I'd like the students to keep learning. I hope that they will.

The manager and I had the school to ourselves today so we ordered lunch in and ate together. That was nice.

My last class of the day also went really well. I was quite surprised. It seemed like the students really enjoyed themselves.

Anyway, I came home and since there was nothing on TV I popped in tape number 2 of the ones Van sent. This has a bunch of cool stuff on it. I'm watching Star Gate right now, but I'll be going to bed toute de suite.

So, I'll just bid you all adieu, et bonne nuite.

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