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June 28, 2001 - Thursday

I hate this time of year in Japan because it is too darn hot. It's after 1 am and my apartment is like an oven. I finally ate my bagels that I bought for breakfast on Monday. I ate them for supper tonight.

My first class of the day cancelled. I had a feeling that he would, I don't really know why. It was nice because I got to work on my Canada Day Quiz for my students. Remind me to get my cds together too for Saturday.

I had 3 other classes and I think they all went quite well. I was lucky enough to get out of the office early, so I came home. About 3 minutes after I got in the door I got a call from Gabrielle and we had a nice chat about holidays and stuff. I gave her some info about a place that I went before. It was cool actually.

Then I watched some TV from today and then popped in the tape from last night. I stopped it so that I could watch Friends. It's an old one, but it is darn funny.

Anyway, I'm done for tonight. Good night.

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