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March 2, 2001 - Friday

An okay day. Two of my regularly scheduled classes rescheduled, so I had a reasonably light day.

I made up a silly game for my kid's class and it worked! It was great actually. I might even do it again someday.

My friend Susan sent me some books and they arrived today. Hurray! The next two Harry Potter books. I guess this means I have to get off my duff and send her some now!

After I finished work I stayed a bit late to vacuum and clean my classroom. I was starting to think of names for the dust bunnies so I think it was past due time!

It was still very slippery when I walked home, compounded by the little bit of snow that had hidden the ice. I walked slowly...very tortoise-like and I got home in one piece.

When I came home I cooked...sort of. I made spaghetti with tarako sauce. It's from the freezer, so I'm not sure how much cooking I did, but it I did boil water!

Then I watched Ally McBeal and in a few minutes I hope to get to bed. It will be a nice change!

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