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March 4, 2001 - Sunday

This'll probably be very short... because I didn't do anything or go anywhere today.

I got up very very late...around 2:00 and then I watched a couple of TV movies that were on. I also did laundry...hurray!

I made myself a blue cheese pizza for supper and decided to watch some of the shows that Van taped for me. I saw part one of a Voyager with the Borg and the Borg Queen. Can't wait until I get to see the second part. I'm now watching an American rip-off of "Whose Line is It Anyway?" It's okay, but not as funny as the British one.

I also finally boxed up some books for my friend Susan. I've got to take them to the post office with me tomorrow. I wrote up some study cards for my Japanese lessons too. I always mean to study but the book is hard to carry around. Maybe the cards will help me learn some of the vocab that is always slipping from my brain!

Anyway, tomorrow I have a lesson and then I have to go to Sapporo to start renewing my visa. Oh joy! Night all.

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