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March 5, 2001 - Monday

Girls and boys, I had a jam-packed day today. I woke up around 8:30 and realized that I'd turned on the wrong alarm and was waking up for my work time. Boo! I turned off the alarm and waited for the music one to come on instead. I finally got out of bed and took a shower.

I turned off the water...which made me run a bit late for my lesson. Then, when I got to the train crossing, there was a train and then, the usually not so busy road I have to cross was very busy. If you know me, then you know that I hate crossing the street and I never do it unless there is nothing coming for miles!

My lesson went really well though, and I remembered quite a lot. I think the cards helped.

After the lesson I went to the post office to mail my friend some books and pay my water bill. I also tried to buy my revenue stamp for my visa but I don't think she understood me, because she told me to go to a bank. Anyway, I couldn't leave for Sapporo without my stamp, so I went home to regroup. On the way I bought some lunch at a convenience store and went home. I called my manager to confirm that I could get the stamp at a post office. She said yes, so I set off again!

I went to another post office and bought the revenue stamp. Hurray for me. Then I caught a train to Sapporo. I actually studied my cards a bit.

In Sapporo I transferred to the Subway and then made another transfer to the correct line. I got off and I wondered where I should go. I set off and luckily I found the right place! I went to the immigration department, and filled out the forms and started the whole procedure to renew my visa. I left just after 4:00 pm, technically they were closed. Oops.

After that I went shopping and bought a bit of stuff, mostly books and magazines. I stopped for a bagel and a cup of Cafe Mocha at the Croissant Cafe. That was nice. I caught a train back to Otaru, a slow one, not an express, but I still had to stand for quite a while. I felt like being crazy so I got off at Otaruchikko and went to a movie. Most things that I wanted to see would finish after the last train so I decided to go to The Watcher with James Spader and Keanu Reeves. I'll review it if I get time tomorrow.

I was lucky after the movie I got to the train station about 5 minutes before a train so I caught the train, got off at the next stop and walked home. It was snowing a bit and quite windy but it actually wasn't that cold. Also, the snow gave a lot of very needed traction so it wasn't too scary to walk up the hill. The road was generally quiet which also helped.

And that's about it. Nothing too exciting, but a good day. Tomorrow, back to work. Sigh!

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