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March 6, 2001 - Tuesday

A bit of a cold dreary day today. It was still a bit snowy, so walking was fine, lots of traction.

I was a little busy at work today as when I wasn't teaching lessons I was planning them for tomorrow. I have two youngster classes and they take a lot of planning to make good.

My classes went well which was good! I did a lesson on the difference between adverbs and adjectives. I hope the students got it!

The manager returned a cd which I had loaned her and she gave me a box of Kit Kats. What a sweetie! She didn't have to at all.

I got another couple of videos today from Van. That was so nice of her. I also got some photos of Katie-chan. Hurray! It's been a while.

And that's about it. I didn't have time to write a review of The Watcher, but you can check out the mini review I wrote if you like.


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