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March 9, 2001 - Friday

A busy day, sort of! I got to work on time and changed. I did all the normal pre-work stuff.

I had to do an interview today. An interview for a child. I usually freak out, but I got some advice from Justin and it was fine. In fact, she even decided to study with me.

Speaking of Justin, we went for lunch today. He said he had a lot of time and so I asked him if we could go out for lunch. It was fun. I don't get to have lunch with people very often so it was a nice treat.

One of my evening classes had cancelled so I was able to prepare a bit extra for my final class of the day. We talked about eating etiquette in Japan. It was pretty cool actually.We did a real roleplay at the end.

After work I stuck around and did my paperwork. Then I checked out the new textbook that my company put out. I wanted to see if my story made it. It did! Yay! I also saw a few of my other writings, which was nice.

Then I walked home. I walked fairly quickly, because I wanted to call my friend. I wanted to see if she was visiting me this weekend. If she was, I'd have to do a quick clean up. Well, she isn't. I'm sad, but she's promised to come another time.

And that's about it. I'm watching a video show showing old stuff from 1998, I'm rather enjoying it as I've missed all of these videos before.

Anyway....gotta go! Nightie night

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