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March 10, 2001 - Saturday

I'm writing this under a bit of protest because I don't want to! What I really want is to go to bed and sleep, but I have to write my entry first.

Today was busy! It was also a little cold today, about -5, but for some reason the snow melted a lot. Not everywhere, but when I walked to work there were streams of water everywhere.

I bought my lunch and breakfast on the way to work. I'm glad that I did because I was too busy to go out for lunch.

I was busy as always. Not only that, but in my classes I had two new new to the school, and the other new to her class so it was a little bit nerve-wracking for me.

I got out of the office around 10:00 and I walked home. I was watching 90210 and the phone rang just after midnight for my nightly call with my secret admirer, right? Wrong!

The phone rang and it was my friend Donna from Canada. She was phoning me more than a month late for my birthday! It was such a surprise to hear from her, and so nice too. It's been ages since I talked to her. I tried to get her around Christmas, but couldn't. We talked for a while about our lives and what was happening in them, then I talked to her husband for a while.

A few minutes after they rang off, my secret admirer called me and we talked for a while.

After that I watched a bit of TV and then Stargate, which was one I hadn't seen before. Then I caught the tail end of a weird movie. It might have been from Taiwan, but I'm not sure. It was definitely Asian, but not Japanese.

I don't know....a pretty normal Saturday except for the phone call from Canada. Hurray! I love surprises like that! Oh, and one other thing....I finished the third Harry Potter book. They are so good! I just love them. I hope she writes more soon!

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