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March 12, 2001 - Monday

Today was another good day. I made it to my Japanese lesson only 5? 10? minutes late! It was a great mental workout too. The thing that always confuses me is particles. I guess I know how my students feel about a and the now!

After my lesson I headed off for Sapporo. I wanted to talk to one of my trainers. We had a good chat and I felt a lot better afterwards. was time to go shopping! I bought a few magazines and a couple of books. I even got Justin's goodbye present! Ha ha!

I tried to find a place that sold bagels, but I couldn't. Instead I found a nice coffee shop and had some iced cafe au lait. It was a treat to drink in a place that was quiet and laid back.

I went for a meal to the New York Cafe. It was great. I had Mushroom and Clam Chowder in a bread bowl, French fries and Buffalo Wings. Yum. After I finished I went back to the station and caught a train back to Otaru. I had to stand until Teine, but I got a seat after that.

I walked up the hill and came into my apartment. I called Gabrielle and we had a bit of a chat. It was really nice. Then I watched some TV and that's it! Nothing too special...but a good day.

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