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March 11, 2001 - Sunday

Today was an interesting day. I slept late...I'm happy to say. I won't get a chance for a while so I took advantage of it.

I got up and did my laundry. I tried to check my e-mail but my modem didn't work again. I left it for a while and watched TV and some stuff on video. I finally finished my laundry around 6 and then Chariots of Fire was on. I watched the beginning and then I went out. I decided to go to the mall.

At the mall I bought a new modem and then went to the postcard store. I bought a few and the lady told me that it was the store's second anniversary so she gave me a free calendar. It's a nice one too. I decided to check out the theatre, but there wasn't anything on that I wanted to see. There was, but I didn't want to stay too late at the mall. I ended up going home. I came home via the main station as the roads were icy and I didn't feel like risking the main hill.

I came home and watched some of my was darn interesting. I saw That 70's Show and the first episode of The Pretender. I love that show. I also plugged in my new modem and what do you know? It works! So, I answered some e-mail too.

I'm going to bed now. I've got a busy day tomorrow. Night!

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