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March 16, 2001 - Friday

It had snowed a little overnight, but the snow wasn't staying. I got to work on time, although I got up a bit late, and took my shower a bit late too.

I had a moderately busy day. I had five classes, although I was scheduled for 6. We also had a bit of a staff meeting too.

I went out to buy my lunch today as I do usually. I didn't wear my boots. It was a nice change. There was a bit of snow in places, but it wasn't too bad.

I had a new child student in one of my groups. I was a bit worried about how she would do, but actually she was fine.

I tried to do a bit of paperwork today, and I did. Hurray!

Sorry, I'm a bit distracted now. I was watching Ally McBeal and it looked like it was a good one. I had a call in the middle so I don't really know what I missed. I'll have to rewind the tape and find out.

Anyway, tomorrow is my busy day...I have to teach a lot of classes. Wish me luck. I've also got to pack a bit for my holiday. So, I'll bid you adieu. Adieu!

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