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March 17, 2001 - Saturday

There was great rejoicing in the land. Mosburgers re-opened. Hip Hip Hurray! My supper tonight was courtesy of Mosburgers, and darn good it was too. As usual, I'm getting ahead of myself.

The snow had cleared a bit more today so I wore my shoes to work. It was a nice change, I was really tired of wearing my poor boots. They are a bit smelly after all the winter wear and they are falling apart inside too.

The walk to work was nice but I stopped off at the convenience store to buy breakfast and lunch and pay my bills. Considerably poorer, I walked to work.

Classes went really well today. All my students were genki, and I enjoyed teaching them. In my final class we talked about Sumo...very interesting. In another class we talked about immigration. I felt very sorry for the student as it was a two hour private class, but we still had a good chat.

After I finished teaching I popped in a tape of Canadian music and sang along to my heart's content. I admit that I lost it a bit to Jann Arden's "Good Mother", but The Barenaked Ladies always make me smile. I finished my paperwork and headed home.

I tried to see if the Mosburger was open and it was. I was pleasantly surprised. I went and ordered some supper then came home and ate it. Yum.

I have to do some packing tonight and I have to catch an early train, so I have to go to bed soon. I won't be on line for a few days so don't miss me too much!


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