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March 24, 2001 - Saturday

It's late and I'm tired, but I'll still try to say something interesting. I had a busy day today. I had my usual 7 classes, but all but the last 2 hours were one person classes today. That's a bit tiring.

After I came home tonight I ate my supper, courtesy of Mosburgers, then I cleaned my apartment. It's not perfect and I'm almost ashamed to say how many bags of garbage I have...I just hate getting up early enough to put them out. Sigh. Anyway, the place looks a little less terrible and more human, so it's an improvement. I haven't gotten around to the shower yet, but I'm letting stuff work on the toilet as we speak.

I also wrote a heap of e-mail. It seems like everyone writes at once. Sigh. I wish e-mail would come a little more evenly.

I watched 90210 tonight and then Dharma and Greg. It was where she gets a beer commercial. I was laughing out loud at it all the time. Then later I caught an episode of Stargate. It was fun to watch.

Now...bed. Well, I guess I'd better clean the toilet first...then go to bed.

On that charming note, I'll leave you!

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