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March 25, 2001 - Sunday

I was up late last night. I did manage to clean up the apartment but by the time I went to bed it was 4:00 am. Yikes.

9:30 came early this morning and I finally dragged myself out of bed and headed off to the train station. I wrote a letter on the train and when I got to Sapporo I got off the train and waited for Susan. I was early so I hung around the station.

I didn't see her get off the train so I called her, but I couldn't get an answer. I walked around the station for a while, and still couldn't see her. Finally I used the principle that we must have gone in opposite directions and went to the other exit. I finally found her. Yay!

We walked out of the station and I took her to The Loft first. We spent a while wandering around and ooohing and awwing over the stuff there. Then we headed off for the Taj Mahal. It's an Indian restaurant, with really good food. Yum. We ate and gabbed and just generally enjoyed ourselves.

After that we went to Kinokuniya Books. We spent a bit of money there, then went to see the Clock Tower and the International Center. Next, we decided to find The Factory...a big mall in Sapporo. We set off and walked in the general direction.

We found The Factory and wandered around inside for a while. We also made print clubs, the first time for Susan. They were kind of cute. We discussed going to a movie, but we were both tired from all the walking so we decided to go to back to Otaru.

We caught a train and read and gabbed on the way. We got off at Otaru Chikko because I really wanted to see a movie. We checked out the times, but sadly the one I wanted to see started very late and we decided to pass. We did a little snooping around the stores and then came back to my apartment.

At my apartment we watched a bit of TV including last night's Dharma and Greg and then we popped in a video of MacGyver. It was a genuine hoot.

I think we'll be going to bed soon...I'm tired and I think Susan is too. Tomorrow we've a lot of walking to do.

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