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March 27, 2001 - Tuesday

Russell Crowe won best actor! Too cool. What's the most cool for me is that I picked him before he was famous and I've been a big fan of his for years and now he's got an Academy Award. I'm hoping to get a tape of the show so I can see his acceptance speech.

I had a busy day today. I had an hour to prepare before my first class and a lot of classes to prepare for the next day. I'm quite busy on Wednesdays. I also found out that one of my kids classes had told his parents that I wasn't going to be at school tomorrow, so his Mum called the school and his Dad just asked me! Wishful thinking I think.

I'm quite tired. I didn't get to sleep until quite late last night so I think I'll just go to bed.

I saw that we'll be getting a couple of new shows soon. One is one that I've been looking forward to seeing for a while... Charmed and the other is Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World. I've seen a few episodes of it and it's a few notches about Tarzan, but only a few!

Oh hey...Another big announcement, I've now been in Japan for 4 whole years. Can you believe it? Happy anniversary to me, happy anniversary to me.

Anyway, I'm off to bed now. Nighty-night.

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