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May 02, 2001 - Wednesday

Another busy day, sort of. I slept in and then played with Katie while Van went to the gym. It was fun. We played hide and seek, and read a few books together.

In the afternoon, Van drove me to the doctor's office for my check up. It was okay. It's so nice to be able to talk to the doctor in English.

After that we drove to Bonnie Doon Mall and yes, I did more shopping. I bought more pants and a shirt at Cotton Ginny and I bought 3 pairs of shoes at a great shoe store. I really need shoes as my shoe size is a bit big for Japan.

Came back to Van's via Safeway and got some stuff for supper. We ate at Van's house and then I phoned my friend Michelle who's really sick. Then I called my relative Dorothy and we had a good gab. I'm planning to visit her tomorrow.

Then I came downstairs and watched Katie play a computer game. It was funny until I fell asleep!Then I woke up and decided to write this entry. That's about it.


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