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May 3, 2001, Thursday

I had a quieter day today. I slept in really late, which was a nice change. I guess jetlag was bothering me more than I thought.

We got up and ate and then went off to visit Dorothy. It was great and we had a nice visit. She is really nice and we talked for a couple of hours and drank some tea.

On the way back to Van's house we detoured to a store and yes, I bought even more clothes. But these ones are really nice!Like the others.

We also stopped at a Japanese food store and I bought some miso soup. I love that stuff. Yum. It isn't Shimi's, but it should be good anyway.

We came home and I played a game of "Smell my Stinky Feet" with Katie. She was a hoot. I know that it doesn't seem too amusing, but hey, she's only 3...she likes it.

I won't be updating for a couple of days as I'm off visiting friend for the next couple of days. Don't miss me too much!

