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Wednesday, May 9, 2001

A quiet day today. I stayed at Van's house all day. In the morning I was awakened by a loud knock on my door. Katie had decided to wake me up! It was time to read a story book.

Van went to the gym so I babysat. It was fun, especially since I'm not sure when I'll be seeing Katie again, and at her age she grows and changes so quickly.

Today we basically just did some gardening.Van wanted to plant some flowers so I gave her a hand. It was fun to get my hands dirty again. We planted pansies, my favourite flowers, and some climbing plants and some wildflowers. That should be nice I think. I hope they grow.

In the evening I packed. Yikes. My friend Michelle had given me a suitcase and it was a good thing! It's full, and so's my other one. Sigh.I'm just about done packing so I think I can get everything into my cases! Don't know how I'll carry them, but I'll figure it out I guess!

I'll be away from a computer for a few days, so don't worry about me. I'll try and fill you in on Monday night. I'll try!
