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May 8, 2001 - Tuesday

A strange sort of day. I went to bed really late last night so I was tired this morning. I wanted to sleep in, but Katie had other ideas. I had to get up. We ate breakfast..I made her a cheese sandwich and I ate cereal.

We were all late in getting out of the house so Van and Katie and I got into Edmonton quite late. We went to a bra shop that I had heard about, as I needed a special bra for something later this year. We had to wait and Katie was a little impatient. She was very energetic and was running around and just asking like a kid.

I had a successful, if expensive shop in that store. While I was being helped Van went off and did some errands then came back for me. When I was done buying the stuff we went to Southgate.

At Southgate I was feeling a bit hungry so I had some food while Van played with Katie. She was acting up quite a lot now, so I told Van she could go home and I'd call her after I was finished shopping. The food...A&W onion rings...hurray!

Van called Joe and they arranged that I would phone him when I was finished shopping and he would drive me home.That was great. I got to do some shopping for myself, by myself!

I got some nice things in a couple of stores and called Joe when I was finished. He picked me up and drove me back to his house. At the house I tried to do some reading, but I wasn't allowed to. Katie wanted to play.It was fun. Then we ate supper...barbequed steaks. After supper, Katie and I ran around in the backyard. Well to be honest, she ran and I stood there and looked at her!

It had rained so I washed her feet when we came in as they were a bit dirty, then we went out the front door in bare feet and played out there.When we came back in, Katie and I snuggled on the couch to get warm. She had to go to bed a while ago and I'm going as soon as I finish this. I'm beat. What a day!

