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May 15, 2001 - Tuesday

Sorry about the lack of updates everyone, but I was away from my computer and last night when I got back I was too tired to stay up and write. Sigh.

I had a so-so trip back to Japan, I nearly missed the plane in Vancouver because I was shopping for souvenirs! I didn't buy any and I did make my plane, so no big deal! There were 3 movies on the 10 hour flight....Family Man (okay, but I'm glad I didn't pay to see it), The Legend of Bagger Vance and Jailhouse Rock, neither of which I watched. It was a very boring flight back. I was lucky enough to get a seat to myself though.

I had a great weekend too, I made it to Disneyland, and Tokyo Tower, which was a lot of fun. I walked my feet off in Tokyo and they still hurt. Haven't Japanese builders heard of escalators? Get with the programme people! It was also incredibly hot and humid (for me) in Tokyo. I sweated a lot and I'm still trying to replenish the liquids in my body.

Today was busy. I taught 7 classes...but they all seemed to go well. I haven't planned for tomorrow yet and I have 6 classes. Sigh. I hope I have time to do everything. If not, I'm in big trouble!

It was another hot day, even up here. It was 27 degrees in the covered mall at 11:20 this morning. Yikes. Seems like only a couple of days ago I was complaining about the cold.

I didn't get home until quite late. I went to Mosburgers and brought home my supper. It was almost midnight when I got home. Sigh.

Having said that, I'm quite tired and I really want to go to bed, so I'll bid you all adieu. Adieu!

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