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May 19, 2001 - Saturday

Well, to give you a hint about my day and what it was like, I got home after 11:00pm again. Sigh. I was quite busy....but I didn't have my last 2 hour class, so it wasn't too bad. I got to do a ton of planning and paperwork, which was really good for me.

On the other an idle moment I plucked one of my eyebrow hairs out and then measured it. It was 29 millimeters, or 2.9 centimeters long if you can believe it. I think that sort of sums up my day!

I watched the new show Roswell on tonight. It was pretty good. I enjoyed it anyway. I think it'll be better when I get a better idea of what is going on. Dharma and Greg was a hoot too.

I also watched a show on tonight about Atsumi Onsen. I couldn't understand it, but it made me homesick for Yamagata. It's the next town on the train line from Tsuruoka. I don't think I've even been there, but it was nice to see it.

Not a bad day really, certainly beats most of the ones I've had this week!

Night night.....

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