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May 20, 2001 - Sunday

I'm sitting here at my computer, watching Survivor...the original one. It's so pathetic. I'd never do something like that, even for a million dollars.

So I did sleep in quite late today. It was the first time in weeks that I'd been able to sleep in and it was great. I didn't wake up until 1. What a treat. I got up and did laundry.

After I finished my laundry I went to the mall and did a bit of shopping. I got a magazine, a book and a cookbook. I'm not sure why I bought a cookbook, I never cook, but I do love cookbooks! I also had my supper there....bacon and mushroom pasta. Yummy. There weren't any movies that I wanted to see, so I bought some groceries and came home.

In Canada I had bought some powdered chip dip, so I made some up tonight . It was darn good.

And that's about it for me. It's late and if I'm smart I'll do some review of my Japanese before my lesson tomorrow, but I'm generally not that smart! Night all.

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