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May 21, 2001 - Monday

A pretty good day today.

I did do a slight bit of review before my class, so that helped a bit.

After class I went to the post office to mail off a package and then I went to Sapporo. I got a train seat by the window and as I'd bought a sandwich I ate while I looked at the ocean. It was a nice view.

In Sapporo I got some money and then I went to Maruzen Books. I got a couple of magazines and a couple of paperbacks on sale. I also bought The Guinness Book of Records. Why, I don't know...but it's fun.

After that I took off to Sapporo Factory and I walked around for a while. I wanted to get something for my niece, but I didn't see anything suitable. I went to see a movie while I was there, The Whole Nine Yards. It was kind of silly, but fun.

I had found an Indian restaurant there and I planned to eat there, but then I realized that I just wasn't hungry yet. Most of the downtown stores in Sapporo were closing so I decided to head out to the suburbs. I was going to go to Espa in Kotoni, but there was a Daiei at the subway stop, so I went there. I went up to the 2nd floor to the children's department and found their swimsuit section. I picked out a couple of cuties for Katie. I'll send them off soon I think.

On my way back to the station I thought that I was a little hungry so I went to a restaurant called "Bikuri Donkey". I won't go back. The food was fine, but the waiter was just this side of rude. He kept asking me things that I'd never heard before and he seemed a little impatient with me. My Japanese isn't that bad and I can usually figure out what a person is asking me, but with him there was no way. I wasn't impressed at all.

After the meal I caught a train back to Otaru and walked home. It was a little cold, but not too bad.

I got a call from Gabrielle and we talked for quite a while. We both needed a vent.

After we talked I watched Sabrina and a bit later ER. It was the one where Carol gave birth and she named one of her daughters Katherine. Rather like my niece. Cool huh?

That's it, my day in a page and a half or so. I hope tomorrow is okay. I think it'll be really darn busy. Sigh. Night.

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