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May 24, 2001 - Thursday

What a day! Even though it wasn't supposed to be a busy day, it somehow was. I spent 12 hours at the school today. Wow!

Classes went pretty well actually. I did counselling in one and did some counselling after class too. I stayed late which is why I spent 12 hours there.

I'll have another late night tomorrow too, but hopefully I can get out before 11:00pm. Hopefully.

I went to the post office at lunch to mail my package. It's on it's way. I wish I could see Katie in the swimsuits.

I know I just got back from Canada, but I'd really like to take a week off and just sleep. I feel like I never get enough. Of course, last night, I didn't get enough. I was going to bed, but there was a concert for UNICEF on and I watched some of it. It had Celine Dion, Bryan Adams and Shania Twain on it. It also had Kevin Bacon on as an introducer and then he sang with his brother as The Bacon Brothers. I've heard him sing before courtesy of my friend Susan, but I've never seen him. He's pretty darn good, and really good looking. It was almost 3 before I dragged myself off to bed.

I'm going to be busy again tomorrow so I think I'm just going to watch tonight's episode of Friends and go to bed. Night...Night.

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