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May 25, 2001 - Friday

I didn't think it was possible to spend more than 12 hours at the office, but I did today. Sigh. It wasn't much over 12 hours, but it was a bit.

I did counselling in 3 classes today. That's 9 students. Sigh. I like doing it, but I always run out of time, and the forms take a long time to fill out.

I got home tonight after midnight. It was late...too late really. I can't really complain too much because David left at the same time and I'm sure he got to the office earlier than I did.

I have just been vegging out and trying to relax. I'm very glad that it's Friday. I only have one more day this week. I might be really busy.

I'm trying to plan my lovely weekend. I think I have a date with my futon. I really want to sleep! I feel very tired. I suppose I should just get myself to bed now, but I have to check my e-mail and post this entry.

Anyway, please wish me luck for tomorrow. I have to do counselling in at least one class.


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