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October 3, 2001 - Wednesday

Well, today was a good, if busy day. I had 6 classes and they all went quite well. Hurray.

I stayed late tonight to do some counselling sheets. It's a pain, but I've got to do it.

I got a catalogue today from the Foreign Buyer's club. I love looking at the list of things and making up imaginary shopping lists. I could send an actual list in, after all they have Diet A&W Root Beer. Yum. And chip dip mixes.

So I got home just before midnight. I got my call from me darling and then watched tonight's episode of Charmed. It was a repeat of the first show. Now Ally McBeal is on, however I should be going to bed soon. I should. Will I ? I dunno!

Yep, maybe. Night night!

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