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October 5, 2001 - Friday

Not such a busy day today, but I am starting to feel the effects of all of the stress and worry of the last few weeks. I'm sure that I'm coming down with something. I hope that it's just a cold, if anything, and not the thing I had last year. If it's the last year thing then I want to go to bed and stay there until I recover. Or Spring. Whichever comes first!

So, I'm drinking my Pink Grapefruit juice in an attempt to ward off whatever it is that I'm feeling.

Classes went well today. I did have a student finish today, but she did say she might come back next year, so that's good.

And I got to tell two of David's students that I got married! I guess he didn't remember to tell them. Funny how some people just don't know.

I stayed late at the school again today, trying to plan for one of my classes tomorrow. I gave up, not because I don't want to plan, but because it was late, and I was reading old newspapers which made me cry.

Anyway, I have decided to leave my TV off, and in fact I plan to go to bed any minute! I'm really tired, and I need some sleep or I won't be able to function tomorrow.

So, I guess this is good night. Good night!

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