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October 23, 2001 - Tuesday

I feel like complaining a little bit. I have a sore throat. Wah! It hurts when I swallow. I guess I caught a version of whatever Fumihiko had.

It rained very heavily this morning, but I was still home so I missed it all. I left a bit late, around 11:00 and I was worried that I wouldn't have time to go to the post office before work and mail my letters, but I did. Yay!

Today wasn't as busy as it was supposed to have been. 1 class didn't show up, and another one was quite late. It was nice in a way because I got a lot of planning done. Hurray! I love when I can do that.

For lunch I walked along to Sunkus and got a bento and some grapefruit juice. I think it's too little too late though.

Classes went pretty well. I'm still getting to know or re-know some of the students so I'm not sure of all of their abilities yet.

I got done work early and cycled home. I had one nasty moment when I went over an uneven edge and I almost lost my balance, but didn't come to any harm. When I got to my house, I found that once again my husband had locked the door to the garage so I had to wake up the house in order to put my bike away. Sigh.

I ate a delicious supper of udon and came upstairs where my brave and intrepid husband has been re-arranging furniture in our bedroom. He's trying to make room for my stuff and my new, soon to be delivered furniture. I can hardly wait.

Hopefully I'll get to go to bed soon as my throat is still sore and I'd like to get a good night's sleep if I can.

Good night!

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