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October 26, 2001 - Friday

A pretty good day. I woke up and felt much better than I did last night. I felt horrid yesterday, but today I only felt bad!

I found time in the morning to upload yet another page of pictures. Hurray for me! These ones are all wedding ones.

Work was fine today. I had a couple of new students, but classes generally went really well. It was nice that I wasn't so busy, I could get a bit of paperwork done.

Gabrielle came by the school today to drop off some cards to the students and to say hello. I also went out to lunch with her and my co-workers. That was nice. It was nice to go out with a group.

After work I finished up my paperwork, and got the good news that one of my students has decided to keep studying. Hurray! That's good news.

I cycled home where I ate supper and was welcomed by my husband and his dog. They both seemed happy to see me. And that's my day.

I'm still stuffed up, but not as bad as yesterday, and I'm a little hoarse, but again, not as bad as yesterday! Hopefully, I'll be even better tomorrow.

Guten nacht!

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