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October 31, 2001 - Wednesday

Happy Halloween!

Once again this is one of those, "The day after" entries because I got home even later on Wednesday than I did on Tuesday. Thursday is a killer day at work, with no free time, so I wanted to be prepared for it.

Classes went quite well on Wednesday. This time I only met one new student, but that's really nice anyway.

I think I have what Michelle calls "The dreaded teacher's throat." After a cold you need to rest your voice, but teachers can't, so it doesn't get better. These days, I'm quite hoarse by the end of the day.

I was so worried I actually braved asking about throat lozenges at a drugstore in my lunch hour. I didn't know the exact words to use, but a bit of miming helped a lot.

I finished up in the school just before 11 so I cycled home. It was an okay trip home, not too scary. That time of night in Tsuruoka, there isn't much traffic. Fumihiko met me at the door, with his new Frankenstein haircut. Too bad! His hair was getting longer and I thought it made him look younger. But he's back to the flat head, close cut that I really don't like. Oh well, as long as he is happy with the way it looks, I can wait until it grows out a bit more. Now if I could just get my hair cut!!!

Anyway, I ate supper, took a bath and then spent a bit of time with my husband. There was no time for computer stuff then. Tonight? Who knows?


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