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November 1, 2001 - Thursday

I was busy today. I had 7 lessons plus a staff meeting. However, all the lessons went pretty well. I enjoyed them, and I think the students did too.

I was lucky coming home tonight too. It had rained, but when I rode home, it was clear, with no rain. I had a scary moment when I rode over a manhole cover and my tyre slipped, but I recovered with only my heart beating 3 times faster than normal! About 5 minutes after I had gotten in the house, torrential rain started. If I'd been a little later at work, I'd have been caught in that. Yikes.

Tonight after work, I made sure that my first 2 lessons were ready and then I talked to Aki for a while about movies. She likes movies so I showed her my postcard collection. It took a long time to see them!

Fumihiko is off taking his bath, so I have a bit of time to do my homepage. But, I have to run, as I still have to post this.

Night night, folks!

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