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September 26, 2001 - Wednesday

It was my first day back and it went okay! The really big news at work was the new toilet in the ladies washroom. It's one of those super-duper bidet/washer things. It even has a taped recording of a toilet flushing to mask unpleasant sounds! The only drawback is figuring out how to flush the darn thing!

Classes seemed to go quite well today. One of my children's lessons actually was great! The child just "got" it and had a lot of fun!

I stayed a bit late tonight preparing for my lessons tomorrow.

I didn't get my nightly call at midnight. I think my guy is probably still a bit jet lagged. Poor thing. I'm starting to drop off a bit myself. I should get myself to bed.

I'm hoping to write a bit about my honeymoon, as soon as I recover from jet lag. It may take a while!

It's starting to get quite cold here at night. Walking home from work tonight it was a chilly 14 degrees. I needed my jacket.

Anyway, I think that's it for tonight. I don't want to fall asleep at my computer and if I keep typing it's a definite possibility! Night!

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